Tag Archives: Joe Paterno

The Freeh’s report, Sandusky and Paterno

In my opinion, Jerry Sandusky does not get what he deserves. He gets to spend his life in prison; he gets to eat three meals a day; he gets to ignore his victims; I am saying that Jerry is living a good life right now. Oh, by the way, let me tell you what he deserves: he deserves to be hanged. What a monster! Jerry scarred young boys for life by raping them repeatedly, forcing them to perform oral sex on him and all.

Those boys who looked up to him had their trust violated, big time. What kind of a person seeks to shatter the lives of so many kids? These kids are stained forever while Sandusky is living in a different world.

The sad part is that Jerry Sandusky was aided by other Penn State officials including the bigger than life football coach Joe Paternoe. Can you believe that Paterno draws sympathy from a lot of people? Can you believe that some people are still defending Paterno despite his failures to end Jerry Sandusky reign of horror? Joe Paterno looked the other way when Sandusky was performing evil on those boys; he (JOE Paterno) concluded that football was more important than the lives of needy young boys.

Let me help you think about that. If Joe Paternoe had stopped Jerry Sandusky back in the 90’s, many kids would have been saved. Therefore, in my opinion, Joe Paterno is as guilty as Jerry Sandusky. It does not matter if he committed the physical acts of evil a la Jerry Sandusky but he certainly is guilty of committing the evil acts of rape and molestation by looking the other way. I do not care about your love for Paterno. Looking the other way simply means that you approve. Period.

Well Joe Paternoe does not belong in the football hall of fame nor does he belong to the hall of shame; his place is in the hall of hell with Jerry Sandusky by his side. What kind of individual values football over the lives of human beings? I was just saying. Now I am going to puke.

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Posted by on July 13, 2012 in Entertainment, Society


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