Monthly Archives: December 2013


A great number of UK customers took to social media seeking to boycott Marks and Spencer, a UK retailer, in an effort to force the store to alter its current policy allowing Muslim employees to categorically refuse to check out customers with liquor and pork in their carts. As I told you, I am not kidding! It is true. Here is the link:

These customers were clearly irate and vowed NOT to return to Marks and Spencer unless this policy is reviewed. Are the customers being intolerant to religious differences? Didn’t Marks and Spencer retailer think this policy through? Are these Muslim employees being hypocritical by placing themselves in the heart of Marks and Spencer, a store laden with alcohol and pork while refusing to check out said products? What do you think? I was just saying.

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Posted by on December 27, 2013 in Society, Spirituality


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‘I am leaving my husband because he is way older than me” shouted Rebecca during her regular individual psychotherapy session. She married Mr. Johnson, a 71 year old well to do businessman ten years earlier. Let’s call Mr. Johnson Limp Jake as Rebecca calls him.  

The couple met six months after Rebecca’s first husband sudden death. “Jake was very fun in the bedroom when I met him” recalled Rebecca. She claimed their bedroom was quite active during the first two years of marriage till one day Jake went “limp”.

Thinking that it was a temporary situation, Rebecca tried to remain supportive of her husband’s situation before her recent encounter with Brilliant Bob. Young and adventurous, Brilliant Bob was everything Rebecca dreamed of in her quest to be sexually fulfilled. For Rebecca, it was now a matter of staying or leaving her husband Jake.

She wants to know if divorcing Jake is her best option to be sexually happy. Any advice for the 70 year old Rebecca? One thing that I would tell Rebecca is that Jake is not too old for her, he just cannot keep up. I was just saying.

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Posted by on December 24, 2013 in Entertainment, Society


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One Nation Under “How Rich You Are”

Is your daddy rich? About your mom? Did you just say no? Alright, at least tell me that you have a rich aunt or uncle or something? If not, you are in deep trouble. If you are not rich, you cannot buy justice here in the good U.S. of A. You do not believe me huh…
Fine, have you heard of Ethan Couch, the kid from Texas whose parents are so rich that they spared him jail time after killing three people due to his drunk driving? Yeah, that is right! Too rich to go to jail. If you are rich, you can kill as many people as you can and you will only receive probabtion, just like Ethan Couch did. Hold on! Let me go puke… right back…
Thanks for holding! I am back now. I cannot help but to put myself in the shoes of the victims to have a sense of what they are going through. The american judicial system has let them down. I am simply saddened by the fact that we are one nation under “how rich you are”. I was just saying…
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Posted by on December 14, 2013 in Politics, Society


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