Whose son or daughter are you?

29 Jul

This is a good question, isn’t’ it? Some of you do not even know how to answer it but the answer is quite simple; we all are the sons and daughters of Almighty God. Well, that sounds like a cliché, right? It should not. We are true children of God.

Therefore, as children, we are heirs to the kingdom of God. He is our father, remember. He created the world and everything in it: water, plants, animals, rocks, money, happiness etc…He created it all meaning that all belongs to Him. Let me break it down for you: there is nothing that we want that we cannot have because our father owns everything.

Why are we so consumed with fear of tomorrow, of the economy etc…?  Why can’t we open our eyes and acknowledge the wealth of our father? Why are we so bound by depression and sadness when our father is the king of all?

Imagine your earthly dad possessing billions of dollars and mansions all over the world! Would you complain of lack of money? Would you say that you are rich because your dad is rich? Yes you would. Therefore, we should think of ourselves as super rich, amazingly happy because our father is God. The only thing we need to do is to grow our faith to claim our inheritance. Amen. I was just saying.


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Posted by on July 29, 2012 in Spirituality


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