Forgiveness: Weapon used by Jesus

03 Jun

How privileged we are to have a Creator who reminds us all the time that the battle is His and not ours. We do not have to engage in duels and quarrels with anyone as He will fight our battles for us. My big problem is why do we keep on forgetting this promise as His words are always true? We take it upon ourselves to engage in personal fights while God wants us to let Him do it.

I am saying all that to talk to you about forgiveness. Big word, isn’t it? So big that it keeps us in bondage. By definition, forgiveness means to grant pardon for or remission of an offense or to cease to feel resentment against. Wow, it is easier said than done. Imagine forgiving someone who dismantled your family, who killed a family member, a husband or a wife who leaves after years of marriage for a younger person or whatever, a mother or father who abandoned you, a person who raped you, a person who caused you to lose your job etc…Wow, the first reaction is one of anger, hate and vengeance. It is payback time, baby!

Well, I am sorry to say that our flesh wants us to do all of these things that go by one name: UNFORGIVENESS. Unforgiveness takes our happiness away as it keeps us in a mode of vengeance and anger all the time. Unforgiveness breeds bad ideas that lead to our own destruction. By nature, we want those who hurt us to feel the same pain that they inflicted upon us.

Well, thanks God for His spirit of forgiveness. I am so happy that I do not have to fight anyone as God fights my battles. He asks me to simply forgive those who wrong me as He forgives my trespasses against Him. I know that it is hard to forgive but it is a direct order from God to do so. There are so many verses in the bible reminding us not to fight our battles; among them is the following verse: Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19).

Jesus, our savior, used the weapon of forgiveness at His worst moment. He said: Father, please FORGIVE them. What! He asks the Father to forgive those who crucified Him. What a great display of forgiveness. So from today on, let us not allow our enemies to control our lives. Let the hurts go. Let God be God. I know that it is easier said than done but it must be done. I love the assurance that the enemies will never, ever win as they will become our foot stools. I was just saying.


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Posted by on June 3, 2012 in Spirituality


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